And it sure was good that we decided that both of us should cross back over from Bimini to Florida so I could be present at the 1 month recheck after the oil bubble was removed from Al's eye.
We spotted several beautiful rainbows during that crossing.
And lastly it sure was a good idea to head to Stuart to get the teak work started since Stuart is fairly close to Miami.
Because we got kinda bad news that we didn't expect at that one month recheck two weeks ago. Al had sprung a leak; he had a small area of fluid building behind the retina causing an area of detachment so the doctor concluded that he had a microscopic hole in his retina. Several options were reviewed and Al chose the "fix it now" approach so he had a third surgery on 1/17 to drain the fluid and laser over the area where the hole was suspected to be plus more laser over the entire retinal periphery to firm up the attachment. We were back in Miami yesterday for the 1 week recheck and so far all is good and the retina is nice and flat and healing again! But Al is grumpy because there are lots of boat chores to attend to and he is very restricted in what he can do. Which is basically sit and read and take walks! But we have enjoyed a fun social life having boating and land based friends in the area.
And our teak is starting to shine like she is brand new!
We had a fun visit from our friend from Hendersonville, Marie Sigalito, who just happened to be renting a condo in Vero Beach to avoid the winter weather. She is testing the comfort of Al's captain chair in its reclined position.
And we had a fun gathering of folks from Greek's Folly, Short Vacation and Mara Beel (new friends) to attend the Stuart boat show followed by a Birthday party for Tom, our Greek Birthday Boy! And we failed to get pictures of a great visit with Al's college roommate, Randy and his wife Nancy over the first weekend here. We spent a day with Ginny and Gene on Free to B visiting Jensen Beach and enjoyed lunch at our new favorite restaurant and visited an interesting Refuge museum where we again failed to take pictures! BTW a Refuge house was a place along the Florida shoreline where victims of ship wrecks were taken in and cared for way back before the US Coast Guard was founded.
So Al is healing and our plan (if we dare to make one) is to return to Miami for the one month check up on 2/22 and then hopefully find a weather window to cross back over to the Bahamas to explore the Abaco Islands. And in the mean time, our boat gets lots of work done and we continue to enjoy a busy social life. Things could be worse so we count our blessings!!