May I introduce Ms. Ainsley Rey Thornton the most precious great niece we have in our family!
She is actually the first in her generational line thus she is the only "great" we have and will shower her with all she deserves. Apparently this was a special moment when she allowed herself a bit of sleep in her own crib rather than with a parent holding her. Ahh the milestones rack up!
Then we had more family enjoyment when Cait McMahon, the granddaughter of "TR", our brother-in-law spent a day on the boat with her family, Randae, his daughter Aubrey, and son, Jamir. It felt good to get the boat moving for a day and to enjoy some kids aboard for a change. It was a fun family Sunday!
Captain Al was relieved at the helm by young Jamir who skillfully turned the boat this way and that until he got the hang of driving a slow moving vessel. The smile on his face was worth every minute of worry that we would collide with another boat or run aground!
And we have had some fun with old friends and new friends during the past 3 weeks . While still at Stuart, we spent many a docktail with our good buddies John and Pam on Short Vacation and this particular night was our last and we included new friends Nelly and Jacques on Magic who hail from Paris! They too are loopers. Amazing how couples from across "the pond" can manage to plan for such a grand trip!
Jacques orchestrated the purchase of their boat via many hours on the internet, researching boats and learning what the "Loop" entailed. Then they came to the states, looked at the boats on his list, found the one they liked and started on their adventure. We continue to meet some of the most interesting and adventurous people!
Nelly and John joyfully chat about boating and travel.
And Al and I have continued our daily routine of walking sometimes with a turtle crossing our path.
So now we are nestled in the middle of this string of boats at Vero. You can spot her as the one with the red canvas.
Vero does offer us the opportunity to walk a beach once more as long as we have a rental car to get there. This marina is not in the most convenient location.
One day we just walked across the bridge that crosses from the mainland to the barrier island, Orchid Island which serves as Vero's beach and tourist location. This shot is looking across the ICW that passes between the island and mainland. We were just on that waterway 2 weeks ago.
More days of walking the beach and indulging in our bad habit of catching lunch at one of the many good restaurants that this tourist location offers. The ocean was particularly stirred up with winds that day! Wouldn't want to be out there by boat! In general, Vero has been quiet and maybe even a bit boring for us but we had one special treat this past weekend as the marina hosted a pig roast.
I actually didn't expect a whole pig, but here it is, all roasted, skinned and ready to eat! Our gracious chef is Steve the dock master of the marina. We enjoyed meeting even more new friends while tasting lots of "pot luck" food choices. The plan for now is to stay here another week and then move south to a sister marina owned by Loggerhead in Palm Beach Gardens. That will put us closer to Miami for the drive to visit the eye institute for a recheck. That won't be the last recheck but we are hoping they will find that Al's eye continues to heal and that the bubble is diminishing to allow him to fly to the next appt. If so, we will clear out of Florida as fast as our boat will take us! In the mean time, "Go UConn" as the women's basketball team battles to win another NCAA national title!!
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