We anchored in a small cove next to the Pickwick State Park and Marina on Friday and Saturday nights. It was just too cold to up anchor and move anywhere so we quietly sat with "One Bay At A Time" next to us. We braved the cold north wind and lowered Victory Lap (better known as the baby Whaler) into the choppy lake water late morning on Saturday because my ankle said it was ready to start walking again!! What better place than a state park with roads for easy walking. I donned my ace bandage and we layered with winter clothes and had a nice walk. But the cold made us hungry so we stopped at the park lodge for a warm lunch and finished the walk content. No pictures were taken over the weekend because it was so overcast and nasty! On Sunday we repeated our walk sans lunch!
My ankle survived both walks with the help of icing before and after. Both days were lazy ones with small chores and lots of sitting. We decided to change the view Sunday afternoon so motored on along the lake to another deep cove with no structures in site on 3 sides. As we cruised the short distance to Dry Creek, we spotted 6 looper boats cruising together seemingly just exiting the Pickwick lock and heading to a near by marina. No fancy marina life for us, we prefer the quiet of a cove when we can! No pictures of those boats because the distance and lack of light made for poor conditions.
Today started with fog but the sun won out and we had a lovely day in our new cove.

Passing by the mother ship while taking a little exploration trip in Victory Lap.

Passed by State line Island on our port so we thought we had passed into Alabama on our way to see the nearby marina and take our daily walk. But found the address to Grand Harbor Marina is still in Tennessee. Turns out we ran along the border and did momentarily pass into Alabama today.

At this point if you turn to starboard (right) you will enter the Tenn-Tom waterway to go south to Mobile, AL. We will be staying to port to continue on the Tennessee River to head to Joe Wheeler State park next week. Today we turned right to find the marina.

Heading away from the marina
we see a very large tow taking a very slow turn to starboard to head to Mobile.

Back in our cove we find a new neighbor, a Nordic Tug, which happens to be one of AL's favorite trawlers and would be perfect for us if they were made with a fly bridge . Spent some quiet time on our fly bridge soaking up the warmth at the end of the evening.

Victory Lap afloat behind us. The water is like reflective glass, nice way to start a new week.
Capt'n Al here. Had a nice BWhaler ride in Victory Lap, walked, Jane served a perfect lunch, napped. A great day.
Hi Jane and Al- my plan is to comment here when I want to talk about your fantastic expedition and I will email about other stuff. :) Jane- you are the best blogger (sorry Al, short and sweet is nice, but with Jane I am riding along!) Please keep it up and I love all the photos, too. I know all too well that sometimes it can be tough to write- but I am sure there are many of us who appreciate getting a peek into your new life. (Page asked me- did they post anything today??) Sunny weather makes for a much better outlook, doesn't it. Question- so what do you cook on the boat? I am interested in your meals. And the mother in me also has to ask- are you safe out there? Make you realize that we love in a big country, don't we?